queer connect

queer connect

Experience community. Strengthen diversity.

Queer Connect is a new, intersectional project by we are village that aims to connect and strengthen all queer identities. We create sustainable opportunities for encounters that do not yet exist in this form and support the personal, creative and social development of all participants.

*About us

Since 2016, we are village has been offering spaces for individual and collective exchange, self-awareness, healing, expression, play, art and activism. With over 600 members from a large local and international community, we have become an important resource and network for queer people. Our work takes place at the socio-cultural intersection of art and culture, sport and dance, pedagogy, social policy and somatic approaches to create an inclusive, dynamic alternative to existing queer provision.

*Our Mission: Inclusion and Networking

Queer people are often perceived as a fully integrated part of society, but the reality is different. Queer hostility, hate crime and various forms of discrimination continue to characterize the lives of many queer people. At the same time, there are debates and differences of opinion within the LGBTQIA+ communities that can lead to isolation rather than solidarity. ‘Queer Connect’ has therefore set itself the goal of both strengthening the queer community and raising awareness of queer issues in mainstream society.

*Queer Connect Program

Our comprehensive and free program includes:

Networking and training measures: Workshops and seminars on topics such as intersectionality, anti-discrimination and trauma-sensitive work that involve both internal and external experts.

Community training and introduction: Introduction to dealing sensitively with intersectional discrimination and group rules for all participants.

Creative workshops and seminars: Offers from the fields of art, somatic bodywork, dance and socio-political education. This also includes cooking and community evenings as well as workshops on the creative processing of emotions.

Open activities: Presentations of workshop content, panel discussions, participation in neighborhood festivals and queer political memorial days (e.g. World Aids Day, Refugee Day).

Safe access: Sensitive spaces for specific groups and open measures for all to ensure an inclusive and safe environment.

*Our Experience

we are village has already implemented numerous successful projects and events that increase the visibility of queer realities and support marginalized groups. Our initiatives include the Stretch Festival and the discourse series ‘Queer Matters Salon’.

*Target Groups

Our project is aimed at all queer identities, including:

Queer masculinities
Queer femininities
Trans, Inter and non-binary people
All other queer identities

We work to include older queer people, queer people with disabilities and other marginalized groups. Our goal is to build authentic relationships at eye level while creating a trauma- and discrimination-sensitive environment.

*Cooperation Partners

We work with numerous organizations and networks, including:

Deutsche Aidshilfe
Berliner Aidshilfe
Schwulenberatung Berlin
MUT e.V.
SMU Schwules Museum
PAF Performance Art Festival
Critical Queer Solidarity e.V.
Enough is Enough e.V.
LSVD / Queer Refugees Deutschland e.V.
Zentrum für Migranten, Lesben und Schwule (MILES)
Habitat Unit -TU Berlin
Dr. Dr. Dominique Piber

Interested? Find out more about our project and how you can become part of this unique community. For more information or to register, contact us at kai.ehrhardt@wearevillage.org.


Together we are creating a stronger, more inclusive and connected queer community. Become part of Queer Connect!

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