One Year Training 2024

March 19 2024 - February 02 2025

Authentic Eros One Year Training
1 Year – 5 Modules – 1 Group

Modul 1: EROS – initiiere –
Module 2: RELATIONSHIPS – communicate –
Module 3: COMMUNITY – share –
Module 4: POTENTIAL – deepen –
Module 5: LOVE – trust –

| GBTQ men* |

With this one-year training you have the opportunity to commit to a powerful transformation process within a safe and supportive environment. Align your life, sexuality and relationships with your values and desires. Connect to what’s essential. Dare to be present, truthful and alive. Dare to love!

Installment 12x300€
Early Bird (15 Dec)


Authentic Eros One Year Training with Kai Ehrhardt & Michael Rolnick

One Year - Five Modules - One Group

Dare to love
Align life, sexuality and relationships with your values and needs. Connect to what’s essential. Dare to be present, truthful and alive. Dare to love!

Deeper Resources
In this year-long training, you will have the opportunity to go through an exciting development process in the safe environment of a group.

The “Authentic Eros One Year Training” helps you to pro-actively take control of the design of your life. When thoughts, feelings, body and actions interact with each other in a sustainable way, you can, for example, strengthen direction and clarity on your individual life path or cultivate a more comfortable way of dealing with challenges and uncertainties. You can gain passion, power and fulfillment. You will also be able to accept the social changes we are facing today more calmly and help shape them.

What promotes healing and an integration of body, intimacy and sexuality? What resources can support you in this? What do you still want to explore, experience and intensify in your life? What is it that stirs within you as hidden potential?

Eros in Self, Relationship, and the World
Many gay, trans, or bi men* have learned to live in a kind of social subculture. It is not surprising that we can confuse our need for belonging and that for sexuality. Moreover, eros and sexuality are homogeneous concepts in our culture. But Eros encompasses much more than purely sexual experience. When our receptivity and senses open to the depths and breadths of being alive, we discover that Eros drives life and that love underlies it.

Queer perspectives and guiding principles
The training is designed to help you accept what belongs to you and what makes you unique: your wholeness as well as your inner fractures. It wants to encourage you to let your potential flow also into social roles; it invites you to become active out of your essence in a lustful, creative and self-confident way – maybe also initiating or leading. In the past, we have asked society for acceptance. Now is the time to take our rightful place with confidence. If you are looking for a community where you can take your personal development to the next level, this is the training for you.

The annual training is right for you if you have the need:

  • Engage in a profound transformation process over a longer period of time
  • Connect with and trust your inner resources
  • explore what is holding you back from being in relationship the way you want to be
  • Develop communication skills to make relationships intentional and fulfilling
  • Being less in the head and more in the body
  • Experience new, embodied states of consciousness and awareness
  • Recognize safety structures that have become personal obstacles
  • Learn methods of embodiment and breathing practices that support a regular practice
  • Respect your own limits and follow your own pace
  • To accept and embrace yourself more
  • Experiencing new, embodied states of awareness and consciousness
  • Re-evaluate or redirect your attention and focus
  • Using interpersonal relationships and the experience of being in a group as a resource for personal healing and growth

General information
Although the training is primarily aimed at gay and queer men*, any man* is welcome, regardless of age or sexual orientation. If you are in a relationship, you can use the training not only to advance your self-knowledge, but also to deepen the couple relationship and give it new impetus.

In each module we deal with a different topic. Common to all is the inclusion of mindfulness exercises, body and movement work, strengthening communication skills and dealing with intimacy. We give each other support so that there is enough space for you to make your deep dormant dreams and longings come true and to consciously face personal challenges.

The training is led by Kai and Michael. If you’re curious, send an email with your contact information to . Write to tell us who you are, at what point in your life you are, and what motivates you to engage in this fascinating process.

If you want to join
If you’re curious, send an email with your contact information to Kai Ehrhardt. Write to tell us who you are, at what point in your life you are, and what motivates you to engage in this fascinating process. If you have any questions, you can ask Kai or Michael for personal advice or arrange a phone/video call.

Participants should have taken at least one introductory course at Authentic Eros, Body Electric School or have had a comparable experience in a group context.

Authentic Eros One Year Training – Dare to love

Module 1: EROS - initiate -

Module 1 Explores the nature of Eros as a driving force in you, your relationships, and life itself. Through direct, physical experience, you gain access to a deeper system of resources and navigation. The module helps you to develop a regular practice through which the perception of yourself and the environment can change and expand. You can explore embodiment and touch to promote physical and emotional safety and openness.

  • The structure and group agreements for training
  • Initial Inventory: Where are you at this point in your life?
  • Where do you experience essential pulse, purpose and eros in your life?
  • Express wishes and set limits
  • Perceiving and dealing with sensations and emotions

INTEREST: My self-confidence and self-esteem grow through my lived practice. I enter into an intimate relationship with the totality of my experiences. I am in contact with my inner resources, which give me orientation and direction.

Module 2: RELATIONSHIPS - communicate -.

Module 2 Examines the conditions needed for intentional partnerships to relate to a new value territory. Here the relationship is at the service of the mental and spiritual growth of all those involved in the relationship. Relationships of this kind also satisfy and enrich through the transparency of clear communication and boundaries. The possibility of emotional closeness arises. You use the strengths and weaknesses of your own personality. You can better understand patterns from your past without having to exclude your needs for security, safety, or validation.

  • Create a protected framework for communication care
  • Stay visible and present for your partner
  • Learn to communicate from a place of deeper compassion
  • What are habits and “revolving doors” in your relationship life?
  • Use conflict, pain or hidden things as resources for your development
  • Resolve conflicts without overriding your own needs
  • The Erotic Core Theme according to Jack Morin
  • Exercises related to attachment theory

INTERESTI communicate clearly and honestly. Knowing that obstacles create opportunities for growth, my life becomes richer. I recognize myself more and can therefore choose more consciously. I know how to integrate rejected personality parts more.

Module 3: COMMUNITY - share -

Summer module in nature

A community has a great, positive influence on the development of each individual. Stepping out of various forms of everyday life into the experience of an appreciative community can be immensely enriching in and of itself. Imagine a place where your individual expression can flourish, where it’s okay to be who you really are, with your longings, talents, tears, with your joy, frustration or fear.

  • Experience the closeness and vulnerability that comes from sharing what really moves you with others.
  • Be supported by others and support others
  • bring in your talents, creativity, humor, ideas and wishes
  • celebrate Eros in the body and in nature
  • experiment with your own needs

INTEREST: I can open myself both to receiving support from the community and to making my skills available to the community without sacrificing my autonomy. I see opportunities to engage in life as part of a bigger picture. I trust my inherent gifts and creativity.

Module 4: POTENTIAL - deepen -

In module 4 you can experiment with experiencing your awareness in relation to the whole body and the space around you. Expansion inward and outward shifts your perception and thus what seems important. You can gain more clarity about what motivates you and to what extent your (sexual) being also wants to grow. You can learn to make more room for your own and others’ perspectives.

  • Expansion of consciousness in body and space
  • Every perspective is true, but partial
  • Advanced bodywork with breath and sensuality
  • Integral gender dynamics
  • Motivational model of the sexual
  • The Yang force in the female principle, the YIN force in the male principle

INTEREST: I can respect and appreciate other perspectives, opinions and values and view situations from an integral perspective. My understanding of gender, gender roles, and my sexuality is expanding. I am confident as a human being.

Module 5: LOVE - trust -

In the final Module 5 we will experiment with attitudes and techniques of “Sacred Intimacy”, an attitude that brings appreciation and acceptance into our relationships. In parallel, we will initiate together a “Continuum” depth process that connects us in a fundamental way to the experience of aliveness and can thereby bring us a new understanding and humility towards the intelligence of life. Your experience of “self” here can paradoxically sharpen and transcend at the same time. The nature of this state is an all-around embodied primal trust that is subtly, quietly empowering and ecstatic. It enhances your empathic capacities while providing you with the right bodily-emotional “medicine” appropriate at that time. Death and dying are also topics of the module.

  • “Sacred Intimacy” Rituals
  • Contact Eros and the intelligence of life via devotion to its finest impulses of movement
  • Contact your deepest feelings about being alive and existing in an unpredictable world and eventually dying
  • Accept with all your heart the life you have been given
  • Ouroborus ritual
  • Closing ceremony

INTEREST: By surrendering to life, I stand fearlessly in its unpredictable unfolding. I have a place to go when I feel alone or confused, need connection, guidance or healing.

How much does the One Year Training cost?

Participating in the One Year Training is an important decision that should be well considered. If you have questions or need a phone or video conversation to find out if you are ready for this adventure and if the yearlong training is the right program for you, you can consult with Kai or make an appointment for a call. If you have already thought about it and would like to sign up, send us an application email, in which you introduce yourself and describe where you are in your life and what motivates you to participate in this training.

Costs for the training in Berlin 2024/2025:

  • The early bird / concession price 3000 € / Valid for booking and single payment until December 15, 2023.
  • Regular price is: 3400 €
  • For instalment payment options please contact us.

The costs for board and lodging are not included in the above price.
All training days begin at 8:00 am with a morning practice and end at 10:00 pm.
The entire training lasts 29 days with a team of 5 people working full time with the group.
The training is a complete immersion with 14 hour days.
In between the modules you will stay in contact with the trainers and the whole group.
If you do not currently have the financial ability to pay for the training, wearevillage may suggest that you apply for a scholarship or find together a financial solution that is appropriate to your current situation.

Overview of all modules 2024

  • Module 1 EROS – initiate – Berlin 19 – 24 March 2024
  • Module 2 RELATIONSHIPS – communicate – Berlin June 19 – 23, 2024
  • Module 3 COMMUNITY – share – Berlin September 24 – 29, 2024
  • Module 4 POTENTIAL – deepen – Berlin 04 . – 08 December 2024
  • Module 5 LOVE – trust – Berlin January 28 – February 02, 2025

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