Queer Contact Improvisation Laboratory

February 05 2024

20:00 – 21:30
Payment at the door

| GBTQ men* |

Contact Improvisation is a dance form that prioritizes touch, weight, and bodily listening as guiding principles for dancing together. No leader no follower, the decisions are taken at the moment of the meeting.

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Queer Contact Improvisation Laboratory

mit Contact Improvisation Collective

Contact Improvisation is a dance form that prioritizes touch, sharing weight, and bodily listening as guiding principles for dancing together.

The practice is open to individuals of all levels of experience and physical abilities. No prior dance experience is required.

In a queer context, contact improvisation can serve as a powerful practice for fostering community and exploring new forms of physicality between queers. It promotes a sense of belonging, allowing participants to move freely and authentically while honoring their individuality in connectedness.

This class focusses on gay, bisexual, trans, and queer men* as well as individuals who identify anywhere on a gender-fluid spectrum from male to non binary. It creates a space that acknowledges and centers the experiences of these specific identities within the broader queer community.

This event will be held in German or English depending on the needs of the group.