Language Café – Queer Bridges

April 17 2025
On Thursday
(twice a month)

Free event
Registration required


Join us at our Language Café, where you can connect with others and engage in lively conversations. It’s a great opportunity to practice speaking, listening, and even learn some new vocabulary, all while making new friends and having a good time.

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Queer Bridges Language Café

with Pari Ludin

Join us at our Language Café, where you can connect with others and engage in lively conversations. It’s a great opportunity to practice speaking, listening, and even learn some new vocabulary, all while making new friends and having a good time. No matter your level of proficiency, everyone is encouraged to participate and grow together. Come for the conversation, stay for the community!
What languages are represented?
We will have tables for English and German. Beyond that, it will be up to you! We hope to eventually host a wide range of languages and are excited to see this café grow with your support.
What if I don’t feel confident in my language skills?
Our language café is open to everyone, regardless of their language abilities. From beginners to native speakers – we will ensure it is a fun and safe space for everyone.

Pari Ludin was born in Germany and grew up in Canada. She is passionately committed to social projects. With Afghan roots and a deep understanding of cultural diversity, she is particularly dedicated to supporting queer refugees and people with migration backgrounds. Her work is characterized by empathy and a strong social commitment, with the goal of breaking down barriers, promoting inclusion, and creating safe and welcoming spaces both locally and beyond. Her studies in music and arts management have further enhanced her ability to find creative solutions to social challenges.

Queer Bridges: Forging connections and providing resources for LGBTQIA+ people with migration experience Queer people with migrant backgrounds in Berlin often face unique challenges in their daily lives that can limit their access to supportive communities and inclusive environments.
With the support of the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie Stiftung, we have developed the Queer Bridges program to overcome these barriers. We provide resources, networking and support in a welcoming environment for queer immigrants and refugees through our special program. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging to the local LGBTQIA+ community, enabling smooth integration and an improved quality of life for queer migrants.
Our Queer Bridges program will continue to evolve and we are always happy to hear about your needs. If you are interested, you can send us an e-mail to stay informed about further updates.

General Information
Language: This event will be held in English and German.
Registration: Registration is required as it gives us an idea of how many people to expect and which languages you speak/look forward to practice. However, if you have not registered please feel free to stop by!
Cost: The event is free of charge.