Village Film Night – Les Rencontres d’après minuit

November 28 2023

Tuesdays (once a month)
19:30 – 22:30
Free Event


Die monatliche Filmnacht von Village.Berlin hat sich zu einem Muss für Cineasten entwickelt, die eine Auswahl an beliebten Klassikern genießen wollen. Das Programm umfasst eine breite Erkundung queerer und nicht-normativer Perspektiven in verschiedenen Genres und künstlerischen Stilen, die über LGBTQI+Themen hinausgehen


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Village Film Night – Les Rencontres d’après minuit (Engl. You and the Night), Yann Gonzalez, 2013 - 91 mins, French with English subtitles

David Le Guillermic

Around midnight, a stylish young couple and their exuberant transvestite maid prepare for an orgy. Their guests will be The Slut, The Star, The Stud and The Teen. Each comes with their own dark and impassioned secrets, unravelled in sequences and flashbacks, in a night that will stay with you long after.

Village.Berlin’s monthly movie night has become a must for cinephiles to enjoy a selection of beloved classics. The program includes a broad exploration of queer and non-normative perspectives across different genres and artistic styles, going beyond LGBTQI+-themed films. After each screening, guests are encouraged to linger and participate in relaxed group discussions about the films and related themes.