Village Outdoor – Berlin Wall Trail, Section 8 - from Wannsee to Griebnitzsee
with Harms Wulf and Thomas Fischer
This section of the Berlin Wall Trail takes us through one of the most beautiful landscapes in Berlin, the so-called “Prussian Arcadia”, the historic park landscape of Potsdam that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
From Wannsee we first go through a natural environment with a view of the Havel towards Peacock Island, the first attraction of the historic area. Passing old-fashioned restaurants and romantic park buildings, we reach Glienicke Palace Park with its sight lines over the Havel to Potsdam, Sacrow and Babelsberg. Directly adjacent, the Glienicke Bridge reminds us of the Cold War era. We reach Babelsberg via the Teltow Canal and walk along the banks of the Griebnitzsee, past villas of former film stars from the UFA studios to our end point, Griebnitzsee train station.
What’s Village Outdoor?
Village outdoor Events are monthly meetups for the we are village community and their friends to enjoy outdoor activities in and around Berlin.
Activities include forest hikes, bike tours, swimming in lakes, sightseeing, and kayaking. Each month features a free and easy walk or hike in Berlin or its surrounding areas, accessible by public transport.
Harms Wulf Harms already knows Berlin from the times of division. Since then, he has explored the urban and natural spaces of Berlin and its surroundings both professionally and privately.
For Thomas Fischer outdoor activities and movement through nature are important to connect with his self and the world around him. Therefore, he supports outdoor activities at Village and brings 20 years of experience in exploring Berlin and Brandenburg to the programme.
As a health professional he is passionate about the interplay between mind, body and social connections. He believes that movement, curiosity and constant development are at the core of every human’s journey through life.
General Information
Feel free to bring something for a picnic. There is a place to stop for refreshments only in the last third of the trail.
Start: 11:00.
Meeting Point: Wannsee train station (forecourt) – S1, S7.
Return: Griebnitzsee S-Bahn station – S7.
Distance: approx. 13 km (approx. 4 hours).
Language: we’ll speak English and/or German, depending on the needs of the group.
Cost: The event is free of charge.