Authentic Eros Weekend

March 29 2025 - March 30 2025

2-Day Workshop
10:00 – 17:30

| GBTQ men* |

Dare to Love! This workshop creates a safer and playful setting to reflect on what we actually truly want, think, feel or experience when it comes to intimacy and sex. We will put a magnifying glass over a few aspects of encounter so we can slow down, understand better how we operate, learn from one another and expand into new relational territory based on our individual needs.



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Authentic Eros Weekend

exploring skills in support of a deeper connection
with Kai Ehrhardt

Wanting to be intimately seen and met, sexually alive and connected springs from such a deep human need and occupies so much of our underlying (often unconscious) motivation for action. Places to support our development, empowerment and wellbeing in this domain are rare and much needed.

As gay/queer men* we mostly pick up our cues for sex and intimacy through our surroundings: social and family norms, the media, the internet, clubs, porn, dating apps, or city environments that can be highly charged, numbing, judgmental or intoxicating.

This workshop creates a safer and playful setting to reflect on what we actually truly want, think, feel or experience when it comes to intimacy and sex. We will put a magnifying glass over a few aspects of encounter so we can slow down, understand better how we operate, learn from one another and expand into new relational territory based on our individual needs.

Kai Ehrhardt founded Village.Berlin in 2016 (today: we are village) and the Somatic Academy Berlin in 2012. Kai is in charge of the management and development of both projects. He also develops and facilitates workshops & trainings and curates the STRETCH and BODY IQ festivals. As a somatic educator, he teaches the Prof. Middendorfs Breathexperience and Continuum and holds the German Heilpraktiker license for psychotherapy. In 2002 he founded Authentic Eros – an offer for gay, bi and trans group processes around intimacy and touch, communication and personal development.

What to expect:

• einen Raum für Fragen zu Sexualität, Intimität und Beziehungsdynamiken
• eine Praxis, deine Bedürfnisse auszudrücken
• mit unerfüllten Wünschen und der Angst vor Ablehnung umzugehen
• tatsächliche Gedanken, Gefühle und Handlungen befragen
• raus aus dem Kopf und rein in den Körper gehen
• über das Erfahren des eigenen Körpers mit der Möglichkeit des schon Genügens und schon Erfülltseins in Kontakt kommen
• stärkere Präsenz entwickeln: Verlangsamen, um den aktuellen Kontext besser lesen und erleben zu können
• das Ungewisse & Spiel erlauben und willkommen heißen
• Erweitere deine Berührungs-, Hör- und nonverbalen Fähigkeiten
• Gewohnheiten, die du transformieren möchtest andere Szenarien gegenüber stellen. (zum Beispiel: Grenzen artikulieren, Kontakt ohne den Konsum von Substanzen herstellen, Begegnung proaktiv initiieren oder initiieren lassen, den Wünschen anderer mit einem ehrlichen aber verbundenem Ja oder Nein begegnen, usw…)
• Begrüßung des Unbekannten

We can recognize more clearly what we actually do in our sex/intimate lives and invite choice. We can explore what is still helpful and in alignment with what we really value and want and what is not. We can experiment, practice and cultivate new forms of action.

We provide a safe space where you decide how far you want to take it within the set frame. What happens in every exercise encounter is according to your choice and based on mutual consent.

you want to develop your capacity for intimacy, explore your edge, nourish yourself in a loving environment or simply have great time with yourself and a community of fellow explorers – than this is the right workshop for you.

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