Panel Discussion “Loneliness in the Queer Community.”

November 30 2023

Panel discussion

This discussion forum provides a crucial opportunity to comprehend the challenges of loneliness within the queer community and to develop constructive approaches for improvement. We invite you to actively participate in this discussion, even in advance, by submitting questions and sharing ideas.


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Panel Discussion "Loneliness in the Queer Community"

with Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann (moderator), Lilith Raza, Dr. Dirk Sander, Prof. Dr. Mirjam Fischer, Deniz Yıldırım Doğan

This discussion forum provides a crucial opportunity to comprehend the challenges of loneliness within the queer community and to develop constructive approaches for improvement. We invite you to actively participate in this discussion, even in advance, by submitting questions and sharing ideas.

We are bringing together wonderful guest speakers who can offer valuable insights into this pressing issue through their expertise and experience. Our guests are:

• Prof. Dr. Anna Steigemann (Moderation): urban researcher and sociologist and works as a professor at the University of Regensburg and the TU Berlin. Her research focuses on gender, migration, diversity and the city, community and neighborhood studies, queer-feminist urban criticism, spatial practices, critical participation and governance research, and qualitative spatial and social research methods.

Lilith Raza: queer-trans activist from Pakistan, living in Germany since 2012. She actively advocates for the rights of LGBTIQ+ refugees, works with the “Queer Refugees Deutschland” project at LSVD (Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany), and is actively involved in queer networks throughout Europe.

Dr. Dirk Sander: Senior Policy Officer for Health Promotion at Deutsche Aids-Hilfe, will provide comprehensive insights into health aspects and social support.

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Fischer: sociologist specializing in sexual and gender diversity in Europe. She currently holds a visiting professorship in Gender Studies at Humboldt University Berlin and serves as a research associate at the Institute for Empirical-Analytical Research at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.

Deniz Yıldırım Doğan: Scientific collaborator and resident physician at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, will provide valuable insights into mental health in the queer community.


More info and also an ongoing loneliness survey and program overview of free events can be found here. Please feel free to ask questions in advance at info(@)

In cooperation with the Berlin State Office for the Equality of Treatment – against Discrimination, we are village | queer matters has set itself the goal for 2023/24 to offer some programming on the issue of loneliness in the queer community.