Queer Needlework Circle

November 01 2023

19:30 – 22:00


The Queer Needlework Circle is an group of LGBTQIA+ textile needleworkers who meet regularly to share different techniques and work creatively together.


Queer Needlework Circle

Marcel/ Marci

The Queer Needlework Circle is an independent group of LGBTQIA+ textile needleworkers who meet regularly to share different techniques and work creatively together.

In early 2023, artist Theodorus Johannes founded the Queer Needle Circle. Here different artistic, handicraft projects were created.

This Circle is now continued with the support of Marcel/ Marci.

Join our Circle!

We meet weekly to exchange ideas about textile handicrafts. Think embroidery, knitting, crochet, weaving, sewing, quilting or patchwork for example. And also other meetings are possible, if it is about material procurement at a common shopping tour zb.

Anyone who can thread the eye of a needle and identifies within the LGBTQIA+ is encouraged to participate in our events. Participation is free and unrestricted. In each edition of the Queer Needlework Circle, a participant will be asked to teach a technique to the group in the form of a workshop. You can also bring an existing craft project to work on.

What happens in the circle stays in the circle, together we work to create a safe space for ourselves and others.

Would you like to join? Then email us to get access to our Telegram group. events@wearevillage.org

Language: German welcome