Village Outdoor – Through the Biospherereserve Schorfheide to Chorin Monastery

August 25 2024

Outdoor Event
every last Sunday of the month
11:15 – 15:15
Meeting point: Britz train station

Our summer hike in August takes us out of the city and into the Schorfheide, one of the largest nature reserves in Germany north of Berlin.


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Village Outdoor – Through the Biospherereserve Schorfheide to Chorin Monastery

with Harms Wulf and Daniel Salamon

Our summer hike in August takes us out of the city and into the Schorfheide, one of the largest nature reserves in Germany north of Berlin. Pine, mixed forests and moors alternate with meadows and fields. between, there are many idyllic lakes that invite us to swim.

At the end of the hike we reach the picturesque ruins of the former Cistercian monastery Chorin.

Bring your swimsuit and something for a picnic together. A stop for refreshments is only possible at the end of the hike.

General Information
Meeting point: Britz train station (accessible by RE3, approx. 45 minutes from Berlin main station).
Route length: ca. 13 km
Language: This event will be in German and/or English depending on participant needs.
Costs: This event is free of charge.