Queer Bridges Welcome Social
with Pari Ludin
Join us for our Queer Bridges Welcome Social. This inclusive gathering is for LGBTQIA+ community members with migration experiences in Berlin to mingle, get to know our project and organization, and enjoy some snacks and drinks together.
We warmly invite our current members, regular event attendees, and local organizations to join us. Come and enjoy an evening of forging new connections!
Pari Ludin is born in Germany and raised in Canada, Pari is a cultural worker, musician, and writer of Afghan descent. With a foundation in Music as well as Arts Administration & Cultural Management, Pari played an instrumental role in shaping Toronto’s dynamic arts and culture landscape over the years. She moved (back) to Deutschland and continues to focus on dismantling barriers, fostering inclusivity, and dreaming up ways to amplify the transformative power of the arts within local communities + beyond.
Queer Bridges: Forging connections and providing resources for LGBTQIA+ people with migration experience.
Queer people with migration experience in Berlin often face unique challenges in their daily lives that can limit their access to supportive communities and inclusive environments.
With the support of the Deutsche Fernsehlotterie Stiftung, we have developed the Queer Bridges program to overcome these barriers. We provide resources, networking and support in a welcoming environment for queer immigrants and refugees through our special program. Our goal is to foster a sense of belonging to the local LGBTQIA+ community, enabling smooth integration and an improved quality of life for queer migrants.
While our program is still in the process of being fully launched and not all events are available yet. We invite all interested individuals to send us an email to stay in touch for further updates.
General Information:
This event will be in German and/or English depending on the needs of the participants.
Registering in advance is optional.